Day 72 of 365

I had a great opportunity today to be a part of something magical. When I arrived at work my leaders told me that they needed me to help do something special for a VIP couple that were making their first trip to Walt Disney World. I asked how I would know them and was told their names and that they were an elderly couple. I had to laugh. We are in the beginning week of the Flower and Garden Festival and it's spring break so our guests are either families or elderly couples. Oh, and they had no idea exactly when they would be arriving to our shop.

I thought the easiest way to locate this couple is by making a sign with their name on it. So I stood outside our location proudly displaying my sign with another co-worker of mine as guests passed. It was fun to banter back and forth guessing if the next couple approaching was them. We had many joking claims they were our mystery VIPs, but roughly two hours later they appeared accompanied by our VP's executive assistant. We proudly presented them with special first visit buttons, I'm celebrating buttons and for him a 2012 WDW ball cap and for her a mickey ear hat complete with Cinderella's glass slipper on top.

I was so magical to see the happiness and excitement on their faces. That is why I do what I do. It doesn't matter the age or nationality, or if we can even speak the same language. The look of happiness and pure enjoyment speak thousands.

Love, peace, and stay away from things fried in grease


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