Day 78 of 365

So, I received a Facebook message from my former pastor back in St. Louis asking how I was doing and if I get home at all anymore and just letting me know that they miss hearing me sing. And I have been thinking that sometimes I really miss singing too. I sang for every possible holiday, like Memorial Day was "God Bless America" and the 4th of July was "The Star Spangled Banner" (Sandi Patty's Version), Christmas was "O Holy Night", Palm Sunday was "The Via Dolorosa", and then it was always requested that sometime during the Easter Season our Music Minister and I sing "Mary Did you Know." Here is a video of the last time we performed it together before I moved to Florida.

I miss those days of singing at Church but I know I made the right decision in following my dreams to where I am now. As you have read in my blog, life is not always easy but God is getting me through it one step at a time.

Love, peace and the listen to the music on your heart


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