Day 511...Year 2

I am just exhausted... I thought when you came back from vacation you were supposed to be relaxed and well rested... I guess not this time...

I think what I need is a day at the beach or St. Augustine or Boc Tower... A day where we aren't running from meeting this person or that person... A day where we can just enjoy whatever happens, not where we plan it all...

This vacation just felt non-stop... I loved seeing my family and friends, but it was just so jammed pack there was not much tome to rest... But, I would not trade that time for the world...

I rediscovered a song on vacation... It popped up on my Ipod... Mark Schultz, "Running just to catch myself." That is how I feel sometimes... Like I am running in 8 different directions and not quite catching up with me...

Love, peace and trying to catch up...

Running Just to Catch Myself


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