Day 494...Year 2

What a crazy day... I learned a very important lesson... Always double check the schedule when you have to be somewhere... Ended up an hour early for a class at Disney University today... So because of that I had to stay until 5 this evening... But everything turned out OK...

I also admitted that I am pretty funny... Not like Def Jam Comedy Tour funny, but I think what makes my classes I train at work so entertaining is that I make people laugh... I am a firm believer that if you are having fun then you learn better because you are more relaxed... When you are more relaxed you are more open to what is being presented... It's crazy, I can tell you about a whole stand up routine I saw once over 10 years ago, but I can't tell you too much about what happened in my Disney Traditions class, or most of my college classes for that matter...

It's kind of like me and music... My parents and I were taking a trip to California when I was in High School and a Paula Abdul song came on the radio and I began singing... Well that isn't the crazy part, the crazy part is I only heard the first few noted of the song and just matched her note for note... My Dad shook his head and said, "You know, you would have straight A's if you put all of your classes to music..." He was probably right...

Love, peace and I am hilarious...

Go light your world...


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