Day 502...Year 2

Another fun filled day leaving me smiling yet exhausted... There is nothing sweeter than seeing a Great Grandmother with her first Great Grandchild... And there is nothing funnier than watching that Great Grandchild fart, then and smile and giggle at what she just did...

I know that was a bit crude, but you all probably giggled when you read it... It was such a treat when my oldest brother asked if he could bring his sweet 11 month old granddaughter with us to Grant's Farm... It was a Mother and her childrens day together and it was so fun to bond as a family that doesn't get to spend much time together anymore due to distance and life...

As sibblings, my older brothers and I have had our ups and downs, but I know that if one of us ever had a problem the other two would be there for them... It's nice to know, as the baby sister, my big brothers are there to protect me... 

Love, peace and love my big brothers...

Grant's Farm
Jack in the Box


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