Day 508 - Year 2

We are finally home safe and sound... The bags are pretty much unpacked and the cat's are... Well they are cats... We are both exhausted... But what a wonderful time we had!

We ate so much memory food and enjoyed every bite, sometimes too much... And now we will face the dreadful scale tomorrow, whenever we wake up that is... Thankfully the house is pretty empty of food so it will be great choices at the grocery store come tomorrow...After we wake up...

I see lots of fruits and veggies in my immediate future and I see walks.... Long heart beat raising walks, I might even jog.... and I night not... ;)

I have my mini goals in my mind, I just need to get them down on paper and post them on my wall so I see them everyday... And I will do it... Just as soon as I wake up from my welcome home nap...

Love, peace and it's good to be home...


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