Day 510...Year 2

Back at my desk again... It felt so good to be back at work today... I'm not saying I didn't have an amazing trip, but I think it says something about how I feel about my job... I know I have said it before but I love what I am doing at the water park and I love the people I work with...

I am still praying that something happens and I can stay or that another even better opportunity comes my way...

Something I have learned in my work life... Do something you love or be miserable doing something you tolerate... I know people that have been in the same job for years and years and they are far from being happy... They do it to pay the bills and that is it... At one time in my life I was a little embarrassed when I told someone that I had worked for 9 companies in like 8 years, but I wasn't fired from any of them and some overlapped the other... Looking back I realized that I was trying to find my place... And I came away with something different at each job...

The biggest thing I learned from all of those jobs, is that if you are coming home crying and mad or hurt or frustrated... Maybe that isn't the place for you... Life is too short to work in a place that makes you miserable... You are never too old to find your hearts desire... The place where you are meant to be...

Love, peace and do something you love...


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