Day 505...Year 2

Yet another great day with family...

My sweet Great Niece was baptized today and I got to see the rest of my nieces and nephews, along with my sister-in-laws family... I haven't been to a baby baptism in the Lutheran Church so it was a very different and interesting experience for me... My sister-in-law took tons of pictures of all of the family and the baby and then we all headed to this sweet country restaurant in Brighton, Illinois... It just oozed with country charm, from the cedar siding to the miss matched tables, chairs, plates and silverware... The light lunch we had was delightful and the desserts were so delicious...

It was bitter sweet to have to say goodbye to my Great Niece, because the next time I see her she is going to walking without trouble and talking... I guess this is kind of how my Grandma felt when my family moved from Wisconsin to Missouri when I was almost two years old... But thankfully we now have Skype so we can see her when she is at my Big Brother's house... :)

We also had dinner with my middle brother, sister-in-law and my niece and nephew... Then my nephew and I played Wipeout on the Wii... He beat me... It was quite an eventful day, but the fun keeps coming...

Love, peace and let the good times keep coming...


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