Day 504...Year 2

Today was so great... My nephew graduated Suma Cum Laude from Missouri S&T with a Civil Engineering Degree... It was nice to see the extended family on both sides... Sometimes life brings you big challenges but in the end if we are faithful, Christ will see us through...

It was also nice to visit with BFF's Mom and Dad... They are apart of our extended family and it is hard when you only get to see each other a few times a year... I am so blessed that they are in my life and I am so glad we were able to spend a little time together during this crazy week...

The one thing that brought tears to my eyes today wasn't my nephew graduating or seeing my extended family... While waiting in the lobby of the Gym at my Nephews Graduation I noticed a Member of the US Air Force standing by himself in his fatigues and backpack... Waiting for Commencement to end... I watched as people passed him without a second glance... It made me sad that not one person acknowledged him... So I turned to Mom and handed her my drink and told her I would be right back... I made a beeline for the Serviceman and told him how much I appreciated him and his service to our country and I shook his hand... Then I told him, "Welcome Home." The tears glistened in his eyes and mine... I could see his whole demeanor change... As I walked back to Mom she asked why I didn't tell her what I was doing and with that she got up and walked over to him and spoke words I could nit hear and then she wrapped her arms around this young man and hugged him... As she walked back I could see he stood a little taller and his smile a little brighter... Not long after I looked his way and saw a group talking with him... I can only imagine what they were discussing but I know pride in someones face when I see it...

Sometimes all we need is to see someone else step forward first to encourage others to follow suit... I fully believe we all need to step out of our comfort zone and not only thank the men and women of our Armed Forces but the fire fighters and police officers as well... The ones that risk their lives every day to keep us safe...

We need to start a movement of showing gratitude for those that are willing to give all for our safety and freedom...

Love, peace and some gave all...


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