Day 498...Year 2

Today is the day we celebrate our mother's...

I have the honor of living with my Mom... It isn't always easy but I'm sure she feels that way too, and I wouldn't trade this time with her for a million dollars...

Anyone can give birth to a child but it takes someone special to be a Mom...

I remember my Mom would roll my hair in curlers or even gave me a perm a time or two... We would have special Mom and Me late night dinners out, and still do... She raised me to be me and not be ashamed of it... She encouraged my imagination and even helped it along... She has aided me in growing into the woman I am today... Not every Mom can say that...

I have seen friends and family that don't have their own children that they have given birth to, but have step-children and they are amazing Mothers to them... They aren't trying to take the place of the kids' Moms, but be an additional caring heart for them...

So today I say thank you to my Mom for helping me to be me and all Mom's out there I wish a very Happy Mother's Day...

Love, peace and celebrate Mom...

Go light  your world...


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