Day 417...Year 2

No one ever knows how they are going to be remembered, all we can do is hope for the best...
   - The Doctor

When I heard this quote tonight it really hit a chord for in me... What kind of memories am I leaving behind for others??? What am I going to be remembered for?

I could sit here and name off things but then they are only words... I want to leave a legacy of actions that others can follow... So I need to lead by example...

As I have experienced through my last 5 years at my amazing job, the one thing I have learned is that you can't sit around and wait for someone else to make the change that you want to see... You have to get up and do it yourself and don't complain about it, because it was your choice to lead others towards that change... Also, part of being a part of change is also knowing that some things can't be changed... Maybe never or maybe just not now, but you have to be patient to see what can be done...

You have to be ready to give an answer as to why you want that change to happen and what benefits will come from it and then, don't skip corners...

In the end after all the changes have been made, realize there just might be someone coming up that may see an even better way for things to work and be gracious to except that change could come again...

So, be the person you want people to remember you as... Leave your mark on the world by making it better, happier and a more beautiful place...

Love, peace and how will you be remembered...


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