Day 409...Year 2

Feel like I am in a holding pattern and not sure why... Trying to be patient but some days it's so hard when the world around you seems more anxious than I am... And because of their anxiety I am on edge... It's really hard to let go at that point...

I keep having this reoccurring dream of standing on a hilltop and just standing face to the wind and opening my hands, symbolically letting go of the anxiety and the stress and the sadness... Maybe that is what I need to do... I have never been great with anxiety... So much so that during my freshman year in college it landed me in the emergency room at Missouri Baptist Hospital, due to anxiety attacks... I haven't though of that day in a long time, but the scary part is I felt a pain like that one the other day and I don't wish to return to that feeling...

Love, peace and I'm letting go...


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