Day 412...Year 2

Today Mom and I were able to go inside Bok Tower, one of the Largest Carillon's in the world... It was incredible to learn about the craftsmanship that went into creating this amazing Musical Instrument... Following the tour we joined BFF for a trip around the gardens to see the first colors of spring... It was incredibly beautiful and I look forward to seeing the gardens change through out the year...

Later this afternoon BFF and I took the trek down highway 4 to Universal, for our first trip there together in a few years... I decided I was going to at least sit in the Harry Potter Ride test seats if by chance I could ride... For someone who has never battled their weight and been basically forced off a ride due to their size, you probably aren't going to understand the fear and anxiety I was facing just to sit in the seat... I want to commend the young lady that assisted me... She very professional, she kept our conversation private from other guests... She didn't make me feel bad for being to large to ride at this time... She actually told me what the process was with the seats and even though at this time I could not ride, I can walk through the line and see all of the special features... I thanked her and then I told BFF I would rather not go through the line, because the time will come when I can go on the ride and I would like to see how it all ties together then... He was very supportive of my decision...

This wasn't the only time I dealt with my weight today... As Mom and I were sitting in the conference room at BOK waiting for the tower tour, one of the women that oversees the tower supporters memberships spoke to our group... As she spoke all I could do was mentally critique the too tight outfit she was wearing on her plus size physique.... Well the joke was on me, because as we were heading outside I caught a glimpse of myself in the window and received a resounding mental slap in the face... Who was I to judge her on what she chose to wear when I am wearing a favorite shirt of my own, which happens to be too tight, hugging me in the most unforgiving ways...

It is time to stop talking about it and actually do something about it... I have made myself a goal of walking in not one but two 5K's this year and plan on living up to that... Time to get back to what matters most...

Love, peace and getting back to basics...


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