Day 414...Year 2

It's so funny, because I post my blog on different places on line, like Facebook and SparkPeople and one of my dreams when I started writing short cheesy romances about NKOTB back in High School, was that I would write a story that people everywhere would want to read... I never could have imagined that the story they would want to read is mine... Thanks to blogging I have been able to share my crazy life with others... I know some feel like it's too much, but for me it is therapy... For me it is a chance to share my struggles and fears in hopes of finding answers to why I am the way that I am.... It's also my chance to reach out to others that may be having struggles of their own...

Some days I feel like I write nonsense or too little, but then I get messages from my global friends that encourage me to keep writing, even when I think I didn't really have anything important to share that day... It just shows me that maybe what I wrote wasn't meant for me to learn something, but maybe for someone else to...

I still dream of writing a book one day, but until I have the right story and the right characters, I will just keep writing mine...

Love, peace and never stop dreaming...


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