Day 399...Year 2

Inspiration can come from anywhere... The wind, the trees, the ocean or the sky... In any case it comes from the world around you...

As I sit here trying to decide what to write I realize that I no longer have a challenge set for myself to blog everyday, yet I continue to do so... Had you asked me 13 months ago, if I thought I would have made it, I would have doubted myself but now I almost feel empty if I even consider not writing...

When I was in Junior High I fell in love with writing short stories about the New Kids on the Block... I created mini romances about them and my friends and I... I had notebooks filled and then one day, they were gone... I listened to others, who had told me that I was spending too much time writing and in a sign of commitment to this group I tore up the notebooks and burned them... From then on, writing became hard... The stories and words just didn't flow...

I always had a dream of becoming a writer, of having others read my writing, yet on the other side I never believed it would happen... Even though I am not published, per say, my writings are written for public consumption daily...

I'm not sure what story I have to tell, but I plan on living out my writing dream to it's fullest, I just have to wait for the right inspiration to present itself...

Love, peace and waiting...


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