Day 410...Year 2

It has been an emotional roller coaster kind of day, but it has been an enjoyable ride... I am finally finding peace over the whole waiting on casting to call... I received the official call for my new temporary role and I am excited for this opportunity... It is really going to give me a place to try it on my own without my Epcot family there to watch over me... (even though they are just a phone call or Instant message away) I plan on learning some new things but showing them what I can do...

Mom and I went to the monthly HOA meeting and for the first time I actually enjoyed myself and learned why we have a home owners association and why it is so important... Plus, one of the older guys sand "My Funny Valentine," and dedicated it to all of the ladies... So very sweet...

The sweetest thing that happened was that BFF text we knock knock and after I asked who's there he asked if I would be his Valentine and when I didn't respond right away, there was a knock at the door... When I opened the door, there he was standing with cards and chocolates for Mom and I... I was speechless... He does sweet things now and then, but this was so sweet... He knew he would be working tomorrow and he wanted to make sure we had our Valentine since we wouldn't be seeing each other... So incredibly sweet... What a great BFF...

Among other things this just really instilled in my mind today, how much you don't want to let time pass before letting people know how you feel about them... Sometimes I think, am I saying this too often, but what if tomorrow never comes, or the next hour, or minute??? Never forget to let someone know how you feel about them... You can never tell someone you love them too much, or just how much you care...

Love, peace and tell them...


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