Day 406...Year 2

I am so glad my Kittens came through their surgeries yesterday without any problems, but now the poor babies are doomed to the cone of shame for two weeks...I have sacrificed my own comfort in my bed so the kittens can have a quiet room to themselves while they heal and I am taking up residency on the couch for the time being...

For a total change of subject... This coming week brings to us the greeting card and florist industries biggest day of the year, next to Mother's Day... It is none other than Valentine's Day!!! So what does a single gal do the week before the biggest anti-singles day of the year, next to New Year's Eve??? She watched a romance on the Hallmark Channel of all things... However this movie was incredible...

It told the story of an 80 year old woman that goes to the train station every Valentine's Day to wait for her Husband to come home from the War... The movie takes you from when they met and married, to him being sent away on a Naval ship during World War II, and then him being declared Missing in Action... Every year since that day, on February 14th, she returns and sits at the train station in hopes that he will return...

This movie reminded me of two important things... One, just how important our military men and women are and two, true love means never giving up on the one you love, no matter the circumstances... She never lost faith that he would one day return home to her...

Love, peace and no matter what...


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