Day 398...Year 2

BFF and I had a conversation about the way fat people are portrayed in Movies and TV shows... They are usually the butt of jokes and are the buddy instead of the romantic lead... With characters like Fat Amy (Pitch Perfect) and Fat Bastard (Austin Powers) blatantly used to gain laughs, yet you can see the sadness in them both through the words they speak...

Aubrey: What's your name?
Fat Amy: Fat Amy.
Aubrey: You call yourself Fat Amy?
Fat Amy: Yes, so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back.
We laugh because we think, atta girl, but at the same time it is sad, because we know this is so true...

Fat Bastard: Of course I'm no happy. Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese phone book. I've not seen my willie in 2 years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead. I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy. I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle. If you'll excuse me, there's someone I have to get in touch with and forgive. Myself. 

This is a very moving quote we hear from F.B., but then at the end of it he farts and we are laughing at the mess he is...

I know, they are both comedies and that's what they are made for, for us to laugh, but obesity is just as bad of an eating disorder as anorexia is...Yet you will never see a movie or T.V. show makes light of a person that starves themselves and binges and purges, but a person that can't control their eating is hilarious...

When Glee cast a plus size girl, Lauren Zizes, as the love interest of Noah Puckerman, I thought they were getting somewhere, but as soon as she was on she was off again... Now in the current season they faced a Glee member battling bulimia/anorexia, brought on by bullying by another Glee member, but all they have said about the characters mother, that happens to be Morbidly Obese is that she is dieting...

The sad thing is, it's never going to change... In fact, when we went and saw "The Hobbit" today, there was a seen where the fat member of the Dwarfs group, jumped to grab some food thrown to him and when he caught it, the table he was sitting on collapsed beneath him and everyone, including myself laughed... It made me sad...

It's crazy, because I can totally to relate to Fat Amy and Fat Bastard... I have always pushed myself to be the center of attention, the life of the party, because then I am in control of when people laugh with me and not at me.... I can also relate to eating sue to being unhappy... That is the hardest one to overcome but in time I know I will... It just takes one day at a time, one moment at a time...

Love, peace and one moment at a time...


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