Day 309 of 365

For the past two Sundays, Mom and I have tuned into the OWN network and have watched Oprah's life classes with Pastor Joel Olsteen.  I don't know much about the Olsteen's other than their church being a mega-church but I will tell you this... Mom and I have both gotten something out of what he and Oprah were discussing.

Tonight they spoke about Dreaming Big and it must be a God thing totally because this week, one of my e-learning's I had to complete was about making goals and how to attain them. Many of the things people wrote in about on the Life Class really hit home for me... So very often I get into these negative thought patterns about myself and the minute you out those things out there they are going to come looking for you...

So I am now trying not to use the negative speak with myself and I am also thinking and praying about my next dream or goal. In this year I have been able to reach so many goals for myself and I know it is possible if I don't give up and I stay positive...

So, the next great goal for me... is getting healthy... As I look at myself in the mirror, the body I see is not the one that God wanted me to have... He wants me to be happy and healthy and right now, I am trying daily to stay happy but I am not working so hard on being healthy like I should... So, I am going to spend the next few days setting up my small goals that will help me attain my larger ones and then I will keep looking forward...

If you're not happy where you are, you probably won't get where you want to be... Joel Osteen

Love, peace and I am going to make it...


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