Day 326 of 365

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving here in the US. It is so interesting to have cast members and friends from the other side of the world and watch them as they experience this holiday that means nothing to them like it does for us. But what does it really mean for us?

Is it a day for giving thanks for our families? yes

Is it a day we celebrate because the Pilgrims and Indians had a dinner together? yes, that's what we learned in Elementary School and from Charlie Brown and Snoopy...

But why are we giving thanks? Well, I believe we should be giving thanks every day for our families and friends and everything we have... But Thanksgiving is in memory of the ones that risked their lives to escape the religious tyranny of the King of England and their survival in the new country...

So, as we give thanks around the dinner table tomorrow, remember those that crossed the Ocean all of those years ago, so that we might be free...

Love, peace and I am thankful...


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