Day 334 of 365

For someone that doesn't suffer from depression, they will never truly understand how you can go from being happy to sad in a matter of minutes, even when you are on medication... There wasn't anything anyone said or did, because depression doesn't work that way… For me it is a chemical imbalance and any shifts in diet or how I am physically feeling can cause a shift…

Even though I have been through therapy, doesn’t mean I don’t still struggle from time to time… Some days I get up and I am sad and on the surface I have no idea why, there is probably an underlying reason, but I just can’t see it at the time and sometimes I never know even after the fact… I guess I am writing this because I am going through one of these roller coasters again tonight…

Sometimes they just come out of nowhere, sometimes it happens after something disappoints me, but none the less it’s no fun… My only saving grace this evening is that a FB friend posted they were listening to the Gaither Vocal Band and when I realized who it was, I never would have guessed that the two of us shared that particular group as one we both enjoyed. Well, they were listening to their music through FB on this APP I had never heard of and when I went on I searched another one of my favorites and brought back some great Christian Music that I haven’t had the energy to go searching for in my huge stash of CD’s in my room. It’s amazing what the power of positive music can do to change your mood…

Love, peace and let the music live through you…


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