Day 306 of 365

Sometimes being the youngest means you have to act the oldest... For once I am not referring to my Mom. (sorry Mom)... I am referring to people I spend a lot of time with at work. When I was younger I always heard, "You will understand when you are older" or "we will tell you when you're older." Of course by the time we are older we forgot what we were supposed to know or those that said they would tell us what we needed to know, can't remember it themselves...

So here is my little pearl of wisdom for the day... Growing older is mandatory, growing up is optional...However, those of us that choose not to "grow up" do know how to act like adults when the time comes, or at least we should. Things like gossip and back stabbing don't do anything to the person you are talking about, but they can give you a bad reputation...

Each day I am learning at little bit more about the person I want to be seen as, not the person everyone thinks I should be... I anything but conventional... ;)

Love, peace and free to be...

There's a land that I see where the children are free
And I say it ain't far to this land from where we are
Take my hand, come with me, where the children are free
Come with me, take my hand, and we'll live

In a land where the river runs free
In a land through the green country
In a land to a shining sea
And you and me are free to be you and me

I see a land bright and clear, and the time's comin' near
When we'll live in this land, you and me, hand in hand
Take my hand, come along, lend your voice to my song
Come along, take my hand, sing a song

For a land where the river runs free
For a land through the green country
For a land to a shining sea
For a land where the horses run free
And you and me are free to be you and me

Every boy in this land grows to be his own man
In this land, every girl grows to be her own woman
Take my hand, come with me where the children are free
Come with me, take my hand, and we'll run

To a land where the river runs free
To a land through the green country
To a land to a shining sea
To a land where the horses run free
To a land where the children are free
And you and me are free to be
And you and me are free to be


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