Day 303 of 365

What am amazing adventure we had today... Mom and I joined BFF and ventured into the New Yet to Be Opened Area of Fantasyland... We traveled back in time to visit Belle in the Beast's castle when her and the Beast fell in love. Then we dove far under the Sea to visit Ariel. When BFF had to go to work, Mom and I had the opportunity to eat in the Beast's castle. While in line we ran into one of my Core family members and her husband, so the four of us ate together in the Rose Room just off the main ballroom in the castle. Following dessert we ventured into the West Wing... Before finishing our tour of the expansion we stopped by Gaston's tavern in time to see the proprietor himself and try some of Lefou's Brew...Delicious!

Upon leaving the Kingdom that is magical, we headed to the Val Mall and discussed the issues poor Joshy has been having and we decided that we needed to take him to the vet. So we called and they were able to get in right away this afternoon. So we went and picked him up and he made his first trip to the vet. During the visit we learned that Joshy had a Round Worm egg in his system, his body may not be processing fat correctly and the biggest thing. He is a girl. So Joshy became Joshee...

I think it is official, I am the crazy cat lady... I have gotten to the point that when poor sweet little, Joshee has a sick tummy on me, I know longer freak out but realize it is a part of being a pet parent... The first time, super gross, the second third forth, still really gross but by the 20th time you get excited because it is changing color and texture which means the baby is getting better... I know it's gross no matter what way you look at it, or how it ends up on you, but for us it is a happy ending to the day...

Love, peace and it's OK to be the crazy cat lady...

I send prayers and love out to my BGF in the passing of her 15 year old Fur Babies Paco (Oct 12) and Zoey (Oct 29). They will be greatly missed...


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