Day 284 of 365
Five years ago today I was over a thousand miles away from my family, living in my first apartment, just me and Belle (my cat) getting ready to go to bed in anticipation for my first day at my new job at Walt Disney World.
I wish I had blogged back then and documented what I was feeling, because five years later I am five years older obviously and I don't always remember things like I used to, even though the BFF will say differently. I can say, that looking back on these past five years I have had a tremendous time. I have been places I never thought I would get to go here, like to the top of the Aquarium at The Seas with Nemo or the up on the roof of the Ice Cream Shop on Main Street to watch Wishes. I seen cast members celebrate their 1st Anniversary with Disney and also their 30th. I sang in the Candle Light Procession standing directly behind one of my Christian Music Idols, Steven Curtis Chapman. But these are just a few of the highlights I have experienced in my first five years.

The One year pin we receive is Steam Boat Willie, representing Walt and Mickey's first film. I received him four years ago and have worn him proudly, but today I received Mickey's best friend, Pluto. I will now retire my original name tag along with my Steam Boat Willie pin and wear my new name tag and Pluto until I receive my next pin.
Love, peace and it's 5 years already...
I wish I had blogged back then and documented what I was feeling, because five years later I am five years older obviously and I don't always remember things like I used to, even though the BFF will say differently. I can say, that looking back on these past five years I have had a tremendous time. I have been places I never thought I would get to go here, like to the top of the Aquarium at The Seas with Nemo or the up on the roof of the Ice Cream Shop on Main Street to watch Wishes. I seen cast members celebrate their 1st Anniversary with Disney and also their 30th. I sang in the Candle Light Procession standing directly behind one of my Christian Music Idols, Steven Curtis Chapman. But these are just a few of the highlights I have experienced in my first five years.

Love, peace and it's 5 years already...
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