Day 302 of 365

I heard a great tidbit tonight and it really struck a chord with me and now as I sit here and meditate on it, it brings even more into what the preacher meant that said it. I don't have the exact quote but what he was talking about was that we need to quit using the negative "I am's" in our lives and start using the positive. The negatives like: I am stupid, I am never going to meet anyone, I am never going to amount to anything, I am Fat, I am ugly, I am never going to be out of debt...

We need to start being more positive with our self speak... I am making great changes in my life, I am doing great things with my life, I am getting healthy, I am making good choices, I am smart and probably the biggest one I AM BEAUTIFUL...

When we speak the negatives we allow the hurt, the loneliness and the sadness into our lives...

If we are always telling ourselves that I am a failure, i won't amount to anything, do you believe you will try harder to over come that? Not likely... We need to look for the bright sad in all we do. Even when we have a bad day, it may have only been one moment that was truly bad, so lets focus on all of the other reasons that made it good.

When we start telling ourselves we are ugly or stupid, we are being contrary to God's art work that is us... We need to be telling ourselves on a daily basis, that "I am fearfully and wonderfully made" and that I am beautiful and God has big plans for my life...

Love, peace and I am Beautiful...


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