Day 296 of 365

All the hard work my acupuncturist did on my back today may have been undone in the 3 minutes it took us to round up the kittens, which hence forth shall be known as Minions, and put them into the small bathroom for their second evening of extreme potty training.  Except this evening they will be Mommy free. We are hoping they will do a better job using the liter box if their Mom doesn't use it also.

I pray this works, and I also pray that loving families will want to give these beautiful Minions (kittens) a home...

Well, I typed too soon, because Mommy is with her Minions. A good friend once told me that when I write something I meant it and so just go on from there. So that is what I am trying to do...

Something happened at Mom's Dr. visit today and we brought it up to our acupuncturist and she said something pretty enlightening. Now a days or maybe it has truly been always, when you go to the doctor you tell them what is wrong and then they try and fix it, right? Well, not quite... They are trying to fit you with the right diagnosis... Here is her story: Her mother has been sick most of her life and she frequently visits the doctor with her. As her Mother read off the problems she was suffering from she noticed the doctor was barely paying attention, in the end he prescribed something for her Mother to help with the problems she had described. However, had the doctor took the time to listen, he would have realized that all the issues her mother was having was due to the medicine she was already taking...

So very often we have people in our lives that we come to rely on and even though they mean well, you will want to talk a problem out that you are having and the whole time they are trying to figure out how to fix your problem instead of being that sounding board you were wanting... We need to learn how to stop and listen... We are living in a society of now, now, now... Can you imagine if we took a typical teenager from 2012 and sent them back in time to the 1950's or 60's? They wouldn't know how to function... We fill our lives so full of go here and spend this and travel there, that we miss out on appreciating the simple things in our lives.

love, peace and stop and listen...


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