Day 574...Year 2

I now know why people buy pecans already shelled... We thought it would be cheaper to buy them in the shell and shell them ourselves... Well, it is more cost effective, but what the lady at the place where we bought them made it look easy, both Mom and I are struggling to crack them... But we won't give up...

It's funny because there are times in our lives when others make things look so easy, that anyone should be able to do it... But then when we attempt the same thing, we find that we struggle... But if you think about it... Most people aren't just born good at things, they need to practice to get to that point where they make it look easy...

When you say something is too hard, then you are giving that thing all of the power and you are setting yourself up for defeat...

Take little steps and in time you will wonder why you ever thought it was hard...



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