Day 568...Year 2

Many many things to share... First and foremost... My Mom is amazing... I can't tell her enough how much she means to me... For everything she does for me... Her response was, that is what Moms are for... Well I am so blessed to have her... God did awesome when He gave me her...

Second, I have once again been attacked by the Kitty Kat Pee Patrol, so I am couch bound for the night... When I told BFF, his response was that it was liquid baby love... Ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funny, but Ewwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Third, whoever said, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels", clearly never had a Twinkie with chocolate Moose tracks Ice Cream... or Tasty Kakes knock off version of Twinkies and Walmart's version of Moose Tracks...

Which brings me to my final point... I know my 2nd happy pill has made it harder to lose weight, but so has my hand and arm... They just keep moving from the plate to my mouth, or the bag to my mouth or the ice cream container or the queso jar or... You get my drift... I used to be a firm believer in he "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," but as I really look at that statement, I need to realize that skinny, doesn't equal healthy...

I know with my body shape I am never going to be stick thin unless I stop eating or get really sick, and I pray neither of those things ever happen... Because I like food and I hate being sick... I just want to be the right size for my body frame... I am tired of getting in the car and making sure my tummy doesn't rub against the steering wheel... Or making sure my work shirt is tucked in and buttoned up fully... That a button hasn't popped open exposing the world to the stark white color of my tummy...

The pin doctor told me something interesting... It's ok to have a little tummy... You actually don't want a super flat stomach because it is actually harder on your respiratory system... when you are that thin, you tend to focus on holding in your stomach to achieve that flat look and you are putting stress on your diaphragm... (Don't quote me exactly)

So, I need to just stop because today was national junk food day and Ice Cream Day and I celebrated both... It's ok to have a treat now and then, but it doesn't need to be daily... If you have to have dessert everyday, have some fruit!

I don't want to die from over eating...



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