Day 548...Year 2

I am an extremely passionate person when it comes to something I truly believe in and as a COT I believe good training is the building block to success for a new cast member / employee wherever you work...

I realize things don't always go according to plan but we should still try and set those people up for success...  Throwing them into a location they have never worked in or been trained in doesn't make them a stronger worker... Most of the time they get so over whelmed that they really don't learn anything and it doessn't benefit them or the location they are working in...

I also need to remind myself that I can't control everything and I need to keep myself in check... Things happen and not everyone see things the same way and unfortunately there are times when others are going to think about the operational need instead of the individuals need...

So next time I get wound up I will stop, take a deep breath and let it go and not take it home with me...


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