Day 558...Year 2

So earlier this week I made "enchiladas" for dinner... The reason I put them in quotes is because our version of enchis are more like chicken burritos with enchilada sauce poured over them and then baked... Well I ran out of the chicken and bean mixture before I got to the final enchilada and so I just stuffed a tortilla with cheese and put it in the end of the pan to make it full...

After it was ready, I served Mom and I and I split the cheese one in two so she could try it... In the end she actually enjoyed it better than our "family recipe" and I offered to make them for her the next time we decide to go Mexican...  I promise there is a point to this whole tale...

Well, fast forward to this morning while I am driving to work, I started planning my day and thought about how we would be having the leftover enchiladas for dinner... Well that reminded me of a trip BFF and I took many years ago to his families lake house in the late winter/early spring...

We drove out to the Lake House one Friday and it was still pretty cold in the Ozarks... When we got to the house we settled in and got the heat going in the house and he had to check on the water heater and make sure it was running OK since it was still technically winter... Well, something wasn't working right and we had NO hot water... So he called his Dad and tried what he could to fix it over the phone... At this point it was too late to try and go down under the house to fix it, so his parents decided they would just come out to the lake the next day, so the two of us piled blankets high and went to sleep...

Well the next day his parents showed up (my borrowed family) and I remember his Dad fixed the water heater and then BFF, his Mom and I went into town to do some shopping...

That evening his Mom made authentic cheese enchiladas and she took the time to show me how to make them...from grease to sauce and cheese...

 Now I have cooked and baked with my own Mother for many many years and have many fond memories of those times together, but this was the first time I had ever cooked with BFF's Mom... Now we have cooked many times together over the years but that was the first time and I will never forget the time she took to show me how to make one of their family favorites...



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