Day 555...Year 2

I had a day where I need to remind myself that it is not about me...

When a person comes at you and attacks you for something that happened in the past...

      It's not about me...

When you do your best to resolve the situation but your offer is shot down...

     It's not about me...

Despite your best efforts to curb the conversation and turn it around, and they still want to argue...

     It's not about me...

When they make threats and continue to rant...

     It's not about me...

We all deal with situations differently... Some are quiet and calm and others feel like the only way they can get their point across is to be mean and make threats...

     It's not about me...

I don't know what is going on in your life to make you react so negatively and harshly but please remember this...

    People treat you calmer when you are calm,
    People treat you better when you are polite,
    People treat you better when you are patient...

We all get upset at times, I get it... But don't let your anger get the best of you... Don't let it control you to the point where your "Passion" is seen as immature behavior...

If you get to that point where you are under attack or you are about to verbally attack someone else...
  Stop and take a step back and remember...

It's not about me...

Don't let yesterday take up too much of today...  - Will Rogers


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