Day 667...Year 2

At the beginning of the month I told about my amazing cousin that lost her battle with cancer...

Tonight I am telling the story of a friend of mine that is a survivor...

Earlier this year my friend was asked if she wanted full time as a core trainer and at one point it was something she definitely wanted but when the position became available she had changed her mind... She felt like she had other things happening in her life and full time didn't fit into them anymore... Then around August she was approached to be one of the Core trainers for the Food and Wine Festival and as honored as she was to be asked she declined...

Then I received a phone call last month from her telling me the news that she had found a lump and it was cancer... From the time our work family was told until she went on leave was maybe two weeks... She made the decision that since cancer was found in one breast that she would have both of them removed... I have never seen a woman more confident in her decision and secure in herself as I did when she told me...

We as humans focus so much on the body that very often we forget there is a person attached... As women we experience this almost daily because we have breasts... How many have you been talking to someone, usually a guy and they are more focused on the area a few inches lower than your face... Or you go to try on clothes and you have to get a size bigger in the top because the girls just don't want to fit right...

About two years ago there were these rubber bracelets that came out that read I <3 Boobies... I myself have a bumper snicker on my car that exclaims Save the Ta Tas and many Breast Cancer Groups use this slogan as well, but you know what I realized through all of this... As women, we are more than our boobs... That might sound funny but should we be more focused on saving the wife, the daughter, the mother, the sister, the grandmother, the friend before we worry about saving the tissue piled on our chest???

I know that having both breasts removed wouldn't be an easy decision but it can be a life saving choice... I know with all of the struggles I have had due to the size of mine throughout my life, I would probably tell the doctor to do the same and really it will leave me about 20-30 pounds lighter... ;)

So, I am happy to report that after her surgery and return trip to the doctor, my friend does not have to go through chemo or radiation, which means I don't have to shave my head (which I would have gladly done)... And the best thing is she is coming back home (to work) tomorrow...

<3 <3 <3

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