Day 659...Year 2

If you would have told me 10 years ago that my middle Brother and one of my best girlfriends were going to be married to each other, I probably would have laughed in your face... But three years ago, my sister by choice became my sister-in-love...

Back when she was living in another city years ago she asked me if I thought she should move back home to the STL... Of course missing her terribly I thought it would be great and it would also give her piece of mind since she is an only child and she could be closer to her parents... Upon moving back she found a condo and being a fantastic friend I offered to clean the worst rooms in the house...The bathrooms... I also volunteered my brother to help with some carpentry type projects around the place as well... (But I am sure he will say he offered to help)  They struck up a friendship and my sister-in-love will attest the fact that it was JUST a FRIENDSHIP, nothing else and of course I believe her because she is a terrible liar...

As the next few years past her and I got matching tattoos, purple and yellow butterflies, mine on the inside of my right ankle and hers on her shoulder blade... 

Well, when I moved to Florida we still kept in touch and she visited a few times... The last time she came alone was in like January 2009 and BFF, her and I went out for drinks at House of Blues and we were having a good old time... Trying to be funny, BFF taunted me about a possible relationship between my brother and Sister-in-love, which if course she vehemently denied and again I believed her because she is a terrible liar and secret keeper...The rest of the trip was fun and it was exciting because my middle brother was coming two weeks later to finally move all of my stuff down from the STL...

This is when I should have known something was rotten in the state of Denmark... The whole time my brother was visiting he kept commenting on how fun it would be to visit Disney with my now Sister-in-love... Mind you he has two kids, that at the time had never been to WDW and I made a point of questioning that... He would kind of blow it off but the real tell was the fact that he wanted to buy her a gift... Not one for his kids but one for her... (insert eye roll and gagging face)

About a week after he went home I got a phone call from both of them... together... They were officially dating... True to my Sis-in-loves word they weren't together at all when she was visiting but when she got back home, her mind started to change and by the time my brother arrived they were both smitten... In fact, he was so smitten that he drove almost an hour in the opposite direction of Florida when he was driving down my stuff...

Disney is truly a place where dreams come true...


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