Day 664...Year 2

I survived it and lived to tell about it... And you know what? 40 really doesn't feel any different from 39... However, it does make you think about getting older... I know every birthday we get older it's just that milestone birthdays really make you reflect on what you have done and what you still would like to accomplish...

Last week a very special friend called and left me an incredible message really just encouraging me to look beyond the outside appearance and help me to remember that your true beauty shines from within... You can have the most beautiful person in the world and if they have a horrible outlook on life and the world around then and they are never happy than their outer self will begin to match their inner self... I know many people like me and that I have an infectious laugh and smile, as I was told by this friend as well as BFF, and I need to remember that when I start to get down on myself about my current size (28)...

With all of that being said, my #1 item on my to do list for this, my 40th year is to get healthier... To make smarter eating choices and to eat smaller portions... I also want to start exercising but it is going to take perseverance on my own part... I can have Mom or BFF constantly telling me I need to exercise, but I have to be the one to motivate me...

So, now that the celebrating is over it is time to focus on the task at hand and get healthy...



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