Day 657...Year 2

Well... Some may look at the glass in my hands and see it as a cool and refreshing glass of water... I look at it for what it is... A $7 glass of Japanese Sake...

This was one of the items on my bucket list... To try Sake...

This was my first and last glass of Sake... Mom and I both partook of the liquid madness... Mom said it best after she tried it and then decided it tastes just like rubbing alcohol...

Other items still on my list is to fly in a helicopter, ride in a hot air balloon, get a professional facial, go Skinny Dipping, have a souffle, get another tattoo and so on...

Something huge I did that was on my list in the past 10 years was living out my Disney dream... Packing up all of my earthly possessions and moving here to Florida to work for the most Magical Company on Earth...



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