Day 642...Year 2

I love going to Acupuncture but most of the time I sleep so good when I am being pinned that I have trouble going to sleep at night... Thankfully I don't work tomorrow but I do get to spend time with BFF and Mom...

Since October is my Birthday month and this year is a milestone one, BFF decided to do a mini-version of what we did for Mom, for me... Tonight he bought me dinner and it was so very sweet... He also told me that he had a secret that he was keeping from me... After many doubtful moments, he decided to share his secret...

So apparently a week ago when we were at Tybee, he woke up in the middle of the night to me snoring and he recorded me so that I could hear it later... The next morning he said he felt bad and wasn't going to tell me... Well, a week later he finally did... In my head I had mixed emotions about it, but at no time was I mad about it... And as I have had time to process it, I think it is very sweet to do this for me... Now some of you may be saying, "Sweet? For recording you sleeping? Are you joking?" Well, I know I have a sleeping problem and if I heard it I would better understand what is happening at night to me... My sweet Mom has sleep apnea and has to wear a mask when she sleeps... I also know that she sleeps very well with her machine and she doesn't stop breathing in the middle of the night...That is what scares me about the cacophony that pours from my nose at night...

So, if you still have the recording BFF, I would like to hear how bad at is... Because I think you are right and we probably should both get referrals for sleep tests...


it's good to be loved...


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