Day 652...Year 2

I saw this and it totally made me laugh, because this is how I feel when I over indulge... Like the fat cat stuck with my head in the cookie box...

I have fallen of the proverbial wagon so many times that they have an assigned seat for me on the edge, so it's more like a jump off than a fall...

I don't even know if I think of it as falling so much as it is giving up...

There is no easy fix... There is no one size fits all, if there was than we would all be as skinny as Heidi and Naomi and all of the other fashionistas of the world... I wish it could be as easy Alice, eat this it will make you smaller, drink this it will make you bigger... My friends and I used to imagine a product called ultra super slim fast, where with one drink you are picking your pants up off the floor because it made you instantly thin...

But we never thought about the fact that we didn't eat a Big Mac one day and go from a size 8 to a 28... It took a lot of Big Macs and Whoppers and cookies and cakes and tacos and candy bars...

Now after all these years of trying, I still don't have the magic pill or drink... I just need some determination and better will power... It's not that I need support, because I have it for the asking, I need to believe in myself, that I am worth the effort... 100 people can tell you, that you are worth it, but it only matters when you believe it for yourself...

do you believe???


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