Day 645...Year 2

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

1 in 8 
Number of women that will be diagnosed with Breast Cancer in their lifetime.

Ranks #2 
-Second leading cause of death among women.

Men will be diagnosed (though it's rare.)

Men will die...

Women diagnosed in the United States with breast cancer each year.

Women will die...

It is scary to know that Breast Cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide...

The one thing that can fight it is attention...

We need to pay attention to our bodies... We need to do self exams, both men and women... We need to have regular doctors visits... Ladies, if you have a family history or are age 40, you need to have a mammogram every year...

We have lost to many Grandmothers, Mothers, Aunts, Sisters and Friends to this horrible disease...

In my family I lost an amazing cousin... What started out as breast cancer spread throughout her body... She stayed positive through it all and fought until the end... Even though we lived thousands of miles apart, she inspired me with her love of photography and travel... She shared her love of Disney with me, and her love for her family...She taught me what true bravery is... She is my hero... And I know she would be so proud of me living my dream... I miss her...

Don't be a statistic... 

Early detection and treatment is the key to getting these numbers down to 0...

Save the Ta Tas!!!

If you want to know more please visit The National Breast Cancer Center (all facts were borrowed from this site)


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