Day 662...Year 2

My last Blog...

As a 30 Something... When I wake up in the morning I will be entering the next decade of my life... It's funny when I tell people that I am turning 40, because I get one of two reactions...

1st Reaction:
NO WAY!!!!
You can't be that old.
You're lying... (yes because I would say I am older than I am)

And my favorite:
Don't take offense, but I thought you were in  your late 20's... (Really? You think that telling me I look at least 10 years younger than I am is offensive???)

2nd Reaction:
Oh turning 40 isn't bad. 30 was fine, 40 was fine, but at 50 you are like, I BETTER MAKE A LIST!

So, I have been thinking for the past week for the best memory that I have had in my 30's and there have been so many but as of recent the best most happiest memory I have is my Mom retiring and moving down to live with me... It isn't always easy because life living with your adult child can't be all of the time, but I wouldn't change this time for anything... I believe Mom and I have grown so much here both individually and together... I love you Mom... Thank you Big Brothers for letting me have this life with Mom...

Without Mom and BFF I don't know how I could make it... It is so nice that we are all here for each other through good times and bad, happy and sad, through sickness and health...

BFF, thank you for getting me through some of the hardest times of my 30's and Mom, thank you for giving me life 40 years ago...

I am thrilled to see what this next year will bring and what the next decade will be like...

Here I go...


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