
Showing posts from February, 2013

Day 425...Year 2

When they say to stay hydrated they aren't kidding... I think that is what caused my sickness over the last few days... So even when it isn't hot out you have to remember to hydrate... This isn't the way to start the weekend... I just want to feel better again... Not much else to say... just want to feel better... Love, peace and not much else... Musicsongbird

Day 424...Year 2

Was having a great day until my equilibrium went out of whack... Now I am battling dizziness... Hopefully a good night sleep will fix everything... Something I am pondering currently.... I would rather do my very best and fail, then to never try...Because when I fail, I can learn from my mistakes and do better next time.... but when I never try, I never truly learn... Love, peace and do your best... Musicsongbird

Day 423...Year 2

I have the heard the story many times of how Walt and Lily were riding a train back to California when Walt drew Mickey for the first time and I wonder, did he realize the scope and the reach of this one little mouse... That almost 85 years later Mickey would be known world wide by many names in many languages... Arabic -Mickey Bulgarian -Miki Maus Czech -Mickey Mouse Danish -Mickey Mouse German -Micky Maus Greek -Mikki Maous Spanish (in Spain) -El Ratón Mickey   Estonian -Miki Hiir Finnish -Mikki Hiiri Faeroese -Mikkjal Mus French -Mickey Hungarian -Miki Egér Indonesian -Miki Tikus Icelandic -Mikki Mús Italian -Topolino Flemish -Mickey Mouse Dutch -Mickey Mouse Norwegian -Mikke Mus Polish -Myszka Mikey | Miki Portuguese -Mickey Mouse Russian -Mikki Maus Serbo-Croatian -Miki Maus Slovak -Mysiak Mickey | My`'sjak Miky Swedish -Musse Pigg Turkish -Miki Chinese -Mi Lao Shu Yet the face and his smile are still the same... It amazes me to see his legacy liv...

Day 422...Year 2

What an exciting day!!! To my BFF I have to say, you were right... Trying somewhere new, stepping outside my comfort zone would be good for me....It has done amazing things for me in just a few days time... Like I said before, I feel at peace... No anxiety about going to a new place with new people... No anxiety over the uncertainty of the length of time I will be there... Only excitement over what I am learning and will learn and I am going to just enjoy the experience... Today I battled the kitchen in a Disney Quick Service Restaurant... I served burgers, fries, chili dogs and pizza... I learned how to disassemble and reassemble the broiler... I wore safety goggles and rubber gloves and just had an amazing time... Sometimes you have to step outside your comfort zone so you can continue to grow... Love, peace and take a step... Musicsongbird Step of Faith - Carmen and Ricky Skaggs

Day 421...Year 2

I began the next chapter in my life this morning... I left the comfort and familiarity of Epcot for the uncertainty of Typhoon Lagoon... I went from a trailer filled with more than 25 people to a trailer of 3 COTs and the random cast coming in and out... But I feel something I haven't felt in awhile... Peace... It's not that I don't love what I have been doing but getting this opportunity is giving me the chance to prove myself as a COT... I appreciate everything my EC family has taught me, but now it's my turn to try it on my own... Love, peace and on my own... Musicsongbird

Day 420...Year 2

I have no one to blame but myself... I tried on my new costumes that I have to wear while I am in training this week and found that I will have to take them back and get larger sizes than I thought... I still have such a disconnect between what I see in my mind and what I see in the mirror... I keep having these dreams, I guess, that there is a zipper at the base of my neck and I can unzip it and take off this fat suit I wear... But then I wake up and realize it isn't possible...That it isn't that easy... This is my newest hurdle to jump... Not really new but most prominent... I have healed the inside and now, the clean up must continue... No more hiding behind the weight... It is time to show the world who I truly am and what I can do when I put my mind to it... Love, peace and no one to blame... Musicsongbird

Day 419...Year 2

Sometimes in life you just need to take a little step of faith... When I was in High School I hated public speaking... Doing plays and performing were different, but give me a topic where I had to get up in front of others and I was tongue tied... Flash forward 20 years later and I stand up in front of groups and facilitate classes...  The older I get, the braver I become... As we were out eating lunch yesterday, I jokingly said I was going to order chicken strips and fries... Now for most people they wouldn't understand what was funny about that, but for me and BFF, when we first traveled Disney almost 13 years ago, all I would eat was chicken strips and fries, or maybe the occasional burger... When we moved here, he would make me dinner most weekends and so I could either eat what he made or go hungry... If you have seen me lately you will definitely see that I didn't starve...  Trying new things and braving new experiences just makes life that much more int...

Day 418...Year 2

What an incredible day... I was able to spend time with two of my most favorite people, on our annual pilgrimage to the East coast in search of Shells, Flowers and Fun!!! We savored the wonderful Florida weather, feeling the sun on our faces and drinking in the beautiful splendor God has created... The three of us searched the beach for shells to fill Mom's bucket... Along with the shells we found these amazing sea rocks, that will soon line her flower beds... As we were on the hunt, Mom stopped to talk to a couple from the great White North... They admired our bounty and inquired as to what we were going to do with it... Mom very animatedly described her plan and continued to talk about other things... I quietly commented to BFF about how far my Mom has come since moving here... She has really opened up and allowed others to see the person she is on the inside... It makes me so happy to see how she has changed... Like the Beach we also searched several nurseries for...

Day 417...Year 2

No one ever knows how they are going to be remembered, all we can do is hope for the best...    - The Doctor When I heard this quote tonight it really hit a chord for in me... What kind of memories am I leaving behind for others??? What am I going to be remembered for? I could sit here and name off things but then they are only words... I want to leave a legacy of actions that others can follow... So I need to lead by example... As I have experienced through my last 5 years at my amazing job, the one thing I have learned is that you can't sit around and wait for someone else to make the change that you want to see... You have to get up and do it yourself and don't complain about it, because it was your choice to lead others towards that change... Also, part of being a part of change is also knowing that some things can't be changed... Maybe never or maybe just not now, but you have to be patient to see what can be done... You have to be ready to give an answer as t...

Day 416...Year 2

I wish I knew why I don't feel good... This has not been a good start of the year, health wise for me... I have been trying to be a healthier me but I just don't feel good... Hopefully sleep will help... Love, peace and nite... Musicsongbird

Day 415...Year 2

What a great day... Had an adventure with my team at work... We got to see the behind the scenes working of how they prepare the food for all of the animals on Property... It was cool... We were then whisked off to Downtown Disney to a tour of the newly opened Splitsville... Following the tour of the state of the art Bowling facility we stayed for lunch and laughs... It was such a good day, even though a few members of our Team were MIA... It was a nice to time to relax, let go and have a little fun, while learning a little bit more about the world around us... It just showed me that when I have my own Team in the future, that I need to make small ways to show them they are appreciated and allow them the same experiences as we were given today... Love, peace and enjoy the now... Musicsongbird

Day 414...Year 2

It's so funny, because I post my blog on different places on line, like Facebook and SparkPeople and one of my dreams when I started writing short cheesy romances about NKOTB back in High School, was that I would write a story that people everywhere would want to read... I never could have imagined that the story they would want to read is mine... Thanks to blogging I have been able to share my crazy life with others... I know some feel like it's too much, but for me it is therapy... For me it is a chance to share my struggles and fears in hopes of finding answers to why I am the way that I am.... It's also my chance to reach out to others that may be having struggles of their own... Some days I feel like I write nonsense or too little, but then I get messages from my global friends that encourage me to keep writing, even when I think I didn't really have anything important to share that day... It just shows me that maybe what I wrote wasn't meant for me to learn ...

Day 413...Year 2

My world feels like it is spinning right now, so my words will be few... When we learn to be patient, then things can begin to happen... Just because we say right now, doesn't mean it's going to be given in our time or at all... Patience allows us to sit back and think about what we truly want and when it comes we will be more accepting of it... For many of my friends, when I tell them it's a 30 day TA, their response is, "really? what's the point?" But at this point I know there is a bigger plan for me and this small TA is an opportunity to learn more about my job and about another line of business... Sometimes big things come in small packages... Love, peace and I'm dynamite!!! Musicsongbird

Day 412...Year 2

Today Mom and I were able to go inside Bok Tower, one of the Largest Carillon's in the world... It was incredible to learn about the craftsmanship that went into creating this amazing Musical Instrument... Following the tour we joined BFF for a trip around the gardens to see the first colors of spring... It was incredibly beautiful and I look forward to seeing the gardens change through out the year... Later this afternoon BFF and I took the trek down highway 4 to Universal, for our first trip there together in a few years... I decided I was going to at least sit in the Harry Potter Ride test seats if by chance I could ride... For someone who has never battled their weight and been basically forced off a ride due to their size, you probably aren't going to understand the fear and anxiety I was facing just to sit in the seat... I want to commend the young lady that assisted me... She very professional, she kept our conversation private from other guests... She didn't make ...

Day 411...Year 2

Another Valentine's Day has come and gone, but all of this still rings true... Never go to bed angry or without saying I love you... If you feel like telling someone you care, don't wait for the "perfect" moment, because that moment may never come... Just because you are single, doesn't mean you aren't loved... Valentine's Day is a day to let others know in a big way that you care, but it's not the ONLY day you can do that... Make Valentine's Day every day... “May you never steal, lie or cheat. But if you have to steal, then steal away my sorrows. If you have to lie, then lie with me all the nights of our life. If you have to cheat, then cheat death because I don’t want to live a day without you”. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can  move mou...

Day 410...Year 2

It has been an emotional roller coaster kind of day, but it has been an enjoyable ride... I am finally finding peace over the whole waiting on casting to call... I received the official call for my new temporary role and I am excited for this opportunity... It is really going to give me a place to try it on my own without my Epcot family there to watch over me... (even though they are just a phone call or Instant message away) I plan on learning some new things but showing them what I can do... Mom and I went to the monthly HOA meeting and for the first time I actually enjoyed myself and learned why we have a home owners association and why it is so important... Plus, one of the older guys sand "My Funny Valentine," and dedicated it to all of the ladies... So very sweet... The sweetest thing that happened was that BFF text we knock knock and after I asked who's there he asked if I would be his Valentine and when I didn't respond right away, there was a knock at th...

Day 409...Year 2

Feel like I am in a holding pattern and not sure why... Trying to be patient but some days it's so hard when the world around you seems more anxious than I am... And because of their anxiety I am on edge... It's really hard to let go at that point... I keep having this reoccurring dream of standing on a hilltop and just standing face to the wind and opening my hands, symbolically letting go of the anxiety and the stress and the sadness... Maybe that is what I need to do... I have never been great with anxiety... So much so that during my freshman year in college it landed me in the emergency room at Missouri Baptist Hospital, due to anxiety attacks... I haven't though of that day in a long time, but the scary part is I felt a pain like that one the other day and I don't wish to return to that feeling... Love, peace and I'm letting go... Musicsongbird

Day 408...Year 2

I love taking trips down memory lane with friends and you find out, even though you haven't know each other that long, a lot of the memories of shows you watched when you were younger were the same shows they watched as well... Like for example me and B both grew up watching reruns of the Monkees... Davy, Mickey, Peter and Mike are one of my favorite bands of all time as well as members of my favorite TV show... Their music was a huge part of my teenage years, despite the fact that their music was popular 20 years before that time... My friends and I loved listening to their music and watching their shows... I loved and still do love Davy, while my BFF - Mitchelle loved Mickey... In 7th grade, three of us performed a lip-sync routine to "I'm Gonna Buy Me a Dog," in our schools talent show.... We also got to repeat our performance at our local mall for a school art fair and then again when we auditioned for the Television Lip Sync Contest, "Puttin' on the Hi...

Day 407...Year 2

I have to admit I am one anxious gal, waiting to hear one way or the other if I am going to have a new job soon, but the thing is, as I have mentioned before... Being anxious isn't going to make time go by any quicker...Which means I am not going to hear anything any sooner... So instead I need to listen to my body that is telling me I need to put the anxious feelings aside and rest... Love, peace and count your blessings instead of sheep... Musicsongbird

Day 406...Year 2

I am so glad my Kittens came through their surgeries yesterday without any problems, but now the poor babies are doomed to the cone of shame for two weeks...I have sacrificed my own comfort in my bed so the kittens can have a quiet room to themselves while they heal and I am taking up residency on the couch for the time being... For a total change of subject... This coming week brings to us the greeting card and florist industries biggest day of the year, next to Mother's Day... It is none other than Valentine's Day!!! So what does a single gal do the week before the biggest anti-singles day of the year, next to New Year's Eve??? She watched a romance on the Hallmark Channel of all things... However this movie was incredible... It told the story of an 80 year old woman that goes to the train station every Valentine's Day to wait for her Husband to come home from the War... The movie takes you from when they met and married, to him being sent away on a Naval ship dur...

Day 405...Year 2

Alright, first and foremost, an update on my interview... It went really well... I met with two different training managers, one for water parks and the other for one of the value resorts... They asked me about myself and then asked me 10 questions... I was told that the interview would count for the next 30 days, meaning, if I don't get the TA at water parks I could get one at the resort... The way I look at it is even if I don't get it at either, I feel like I had a pretty decent interview... I am going to send a thank you email to both tomorrow and ask if there is any feedback they can give me for future interviews... So, NO, I haven't heard anything back yet... ;) The rest of my day was a celebration of my friend "Belle's" birthday... We met up at the Studios to see "Beauty and the Beast" and ride Great Movie Ride and then traveled to MK to finish off the day at Beast's Castle for dinner... Even though it got chilly out, a great time was ha...

Day 404...Year 2

I am a mix between anxious and excited... I received a call today for an interview for a temporary assignment as a Coordinator of Training for Food and Beverage and Merchandise at Typhoon Lagoon... It is tomorrow morning and I am anxious for it because it's another interview, but I am excited because I get to see someone I haven't seen in over a year... It would be amazing if I got this TA, but even if I don't I get to reconnect with someone I really enjoyed working with in the past and it will prepare for me other interviews I will face in the future... For over 20 years I have been searching to find a job I am truly happy with, one where I can say, "this is where I belong." I know not everyone allows themselves to find that perfect fit, but I am not going to give up until I do... Even though my job isn't always fun and glamorous, at the end of the day I know I can't stay away... I have had too many jobs where I have been miserable and life is too short...

Day 403...Year 2

I received an email from my former Area Manager today... Attached was a picture of a magical moment I did a few years ago... I had visited my own area that day and noticed a pair of matching strollers that we were holding for a guest that had rented one of our double strollers... This was the norm for us so the thing that made them so unusual were that they looked like Piglet... The tops even had little ears like Piglet... As soon as I saw them I knew we had to do something magical for that family... I spoke with my leader at the time and then ran up to Mouse Gear to get what was needed, a pair of small piglet plush... When I returned I  posed a Piglet in each stroller, careful to buckle them in for safety and then wrote out a magical moment certificate for each of the owners of the strollers... Unfortunately I wasn't there when the family came to pick them up but the cast that were told me later that the twin little girls loved there Piglets very much and their big brother lov...

Day 402...Year 2

One day I was walking, having a talk with God... I said, "God, why did you make dandelions? They are just a weed and have no greater purpose but to clutter my other wise green lawn with it's deep roots and staining juices when I yank them out." And His reply was, "They can bring giggles and smiles.  They are the perfect flower for a child's bouquet for their Mother in the spring and in the fall they turn to puffy wisps that they can be blown on, sending hundreds of dancing pixies in the sky. What you may see as a hindrance, another may see as joy." After a few moments of pondering His answer, I continued... "God, why do you allow disappointment to come into our lives?" He smiled down at me and said, "Oh dear one... If I gave you everything your heart desired you would have more than you would know what to do with and even things you really don't need. When you are disappointed in the outcome of a situation, it allows you to grow ...

Day 401...Year 2

We all have dreams we want to see come true in our lives and i believe it's about time I get off my butt and start doing something to pursue one of mine... I always dreamed of working for Mickey and I made that come true, so I know I can do anything if I put my mind to it... Dreams are an important part of our lives... When we fail to pursue our dreams, we don't allow ourselves to grow...   Love, peace and dream... Musicsongbird

Day 400...Year 2

If you don't suffer from a silent illness like depression, you can't understand... I have been on my happy pills for almost 4 years and they help but it isn't a cure all... I doesn't make or better yet, they shouldn't make you numb to the world... You take them to help you cope with the normal stresses in life that might otherwise sending you spiraling into an abyss of sadness... Because of this, there are just some days you need to take time for yourself... Not running here and there trying to make everyone else happy, but time to make yourself happy... To remind yourself that how you feel is truly the most important thing... Your personal health matters... Love, peace and take the time... Musicsongbird

Day 399...Year 2

Inspiration can come from anywhere... The wind, the trees, the ocean or the sky... In any case it comes from the world around you... As I sit here trying to decide what to write I realize that I no longer have a challenge set for myself to blog everyday, yet I continue to do so... Had you asked me 13 months ago, if I thought I would have made it, I would have doubted myself but now I almost feel empty if I even consider not writing... When I was in Junior High I fell in love with writing short stories about the New Kids on the Block... I created mini romances about them and my friends and I... I had notebooks filled and then one day, they were gone... I listened to others, who had told me that I was spending too much time writing and in a sign of commitment to this group I tore up the notebooks and burned them... From then on, writing became hard... The stories and words just didn't flow... I always had a dream of becoming a writer, of having others read my writing, yet on th...

Day 398...Year 2

BFF and I had a conversation about the way fat people are portrayed in Movies and TV shows... They are usually the butt of jokes and are the buddy instead of the romantic lead... With characters like Fat Amy (Pitch Perfect) and Fat Bastard (Austin Powers) blatantly used to gain laughs, yet you can see the sadness in them both through the words they speak... Aubrey: What's your name? Fat Amy: Fat Amy. Aubrey: You call yourself Fat Amy? Fat Amy: Yes, so twig bitches like you don't do it behind my back. We laugh because we think, atta girl, but at the same time it is sad, because we know this is so true... Fat Bastard: Of course I'm no happy. Look at me, I'm a big fat slob. I've got bigger titties than you do. I've got more chins than a Chinese  phone book . I've not seen my willie in 2 years, which is long enough to declare it legally dead. I can't stop eating. I eat because I'm unhappy. I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle...