Day 162 of 365

I think there were a few misunderstandings to my end post last night. I am not planning on stopping writing any time soon. I am just saying after the 365 I don't know where this will go, maybe 366 or maybe a new blog? I really never thought I would enjoy writing like this as much as I am . Each morning I check for comments and then I start thinking about what I am going to write. I make the time to write, which I deem "me time."

I worked with an extraordinary young woman today. She is very well spoken, a little shy, but excited to be working for the Mouse. We have a lot of things in common like favorite shows and our love of Disney, but she has a super power. She has Magic ears. Due to hearing loss from birth she wears hearing aids. Unless you see them you would not be able to tell. It's crazy because when she was a baby and the doctors realized she has moderate hearing loss her mother wanted to put her in school for the deaf; the school informed her mother that if she did she would probably never learn to talk. Her bother balked at that and put her in the school anyway and now she has graduated High School and is attending college studying to become a Special Education Teacher.

When one of her new leaders asked if she wanted to let the rest of the team know that she is "hearing impaired," she responded by telling them she preferred to tell others she is hard of hearing. "Saying you are hearing impaired makes it sound like I am broken. I'm not broken, I am just hard of hearing."

So very often we look at someone with a disability and we think, wow what a rough road they must have a head of them, but once again we stand corrected. So many people don't think to look to these men and women as the inspiration that they are. We take so many things for granted like the music we hear, the sound of children's laughter, the sound of the wind, what it feels like to run or jump, or the colors in a rainbow after a summer storm. What would the world be like without the music of Beethoven, Andrea Bocelli, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder; or the acting skills of Linda Bove (Linda the Librarian on Sesame Street), Marlee Maitlin (Academy Award Winner), Chris Burke (Corky on Life Goes On 1989-1993), Lauren Potter (Becky on Glee) I could go on...

We all deserve the same opportunities as everyone else no matter what we look like or how we communicate.

Love, peace and being an inspiration Musicsongbird


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