Lesson for today, get down on a childs level sometime and really learn to play. I met my 2md cousin this evening. She is smart, outgoing, entertaining and she is only 3.5 years old. She reminded me how,to have fun tonight and she reminded me what unconditional love looks like. Not only was I invited to tea but.she asked me to read a story with her on the floor. She only knew my bff and I for a few hours yet she gave us both hugs goodbye. Kids are so willing to give others the benefit of the doubt and look beyond the physical appearance and get to know a person, why can't grownups do that as well? Something to ponder... Love, peace and stay away from things fried in grease... Musicsongbird
Tonight the TV show Glee memorialized Finn Hudson, who had been played by actor Cory Montieth, until his death this summer... I was a beautiful tribute to the character of Finn... The music was incredibly heart wrenching and I'm sure I am not alone when I say that I cried from the moment Mercedes' music began until the screen went to black at the end of the episode... I admire the writers of Glee for how they handled his passing, by not putting a name to it's cause; despite everyone knowing the actual cause of Cory's death... I know the cast were following their scripts, but I believe their emotions were true... The one thing I wish they would have played was a montage of Finn's character, perhaps with "Don't Stop Believing" as the background music... That was the song that started it all for the show and I believe it is the one everyone that is a fan remembers the most... This show allowed us as fans, a true opportunity to mourn Cory's pa...
Why is it that when some people get into a relationship, whether it be dating or friendship, they completely forget about what matters to themselves and they only do what they believe is important to keep the other person in their life happy. Basically, they are a people pleaser. They don't see the value in their own life and time, because they are worried if they don't do things for that other person they will lose them. It's crazy because that is me... I have spent so many years of my life trying to make others happy, through taking time away from myself to do something for them, or spending money on them that I don't really have, all because I am afraid that if i don't do these things they won't want me around. I had stopped taking care of my well being because I didn't believe I was worth it or that I mattered. But I am finally realizing after all of this time, that I can't forget about me. I spend so much time changing my plans to accommodate othe...
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