Day 525...Year 2

"Don't settle for small dreams, Go for the big one..."

I heard this tonight watching a Hallmark Hall of Fame Movie... And it really struck me...

It made me realize that so very often we dream things for ourselves but we only settle for small things not hold out for the big ones... It's like our mind says, "That dream will never happen, it's Too big, just aim for something small..." It's like the shirt I saw once, "When all else fails, lower your standards..."

Why do we always think we aren't good enough? If we are willing to work towards a dream and work hard to get to it, then obviously we do deserve to live out our dreams...

We can't just sit around and wait for our dream to come true. And we can't lower our standards when things aren't going to plan... If we are truly passionate about a dream, we can't give up just because one person says it isn't good enough... There are plenty of stories out there of people who didn't listen to what others said and didn't give up on their dreams and are living out their dreams now...

The Judds were turned down over and over again for 4 years before they were signed to a record label and they went on to have 26 singles and 14 of those were #1 hits...

J.K. Rowling was turned down by 12 publishing houses before Harry Potter was signed to be published...

The list can go on and on... Even when I decided to pursue my Disney Dream, I had friends back home that tried to convince me to stay... Not because they thought I had a better future in St. Louis, but because they didn't want me to leave... I know people mean well, but sometimes our own selfishness can prevent someone from living out the Big Dream...

Is working for Disney my only dream???


Love, peace and dream BIG...


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