Day 523..Year 2

I totally stepped outside of my comfort zone today... Believe it or not, I do have an outside to my comfort zone... While shopping at our favorite box store, my phone rang and it was my mom... Who I was shopping with... She starts talking about this lady at the end of the row I was in that had been standing smelling car fresheners for quite some time... She starts telling me to go talk to her and offer her my business card and tell her about PartyLite... So I dug in my purse and found one of my cards and I did it...

I walked up to her and asked if she lived locally, which she did and I told her I had noticed that she was having a hard time finding a car freshener and then I told her about what PartyLite had to offer and the price and how long our car fresheners last. She told me her name and took the card and thanked me...

So even though she may not buy anything from my page, I stepped out in faith that I would be accepted by this stranger, and it made me realize I probably should carry extra business cards with me all of the time...

Love, peace and goodbye comfort zone...


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