Day 533...Year 2

Today, we once again celebrate the first Super Hero in our lives... Our Dads... Even if your Father is in Heaven or he is just an arms length away, we need to let him know how he means to us...

I know there are some out there that may not have a great relationship with their father, so today is the chance to make amends or if that isn't a possibility, celebrate the person who raised you and took care of you and loved you...

I miss my Dad terribly but I know one day I will see him again when I get to heaven and it will be an amazing reunion... I am blessed that God has put an amazing Mom and Brothers in my life, as well as an amazing set of Friends for me to rely on...

So I hope you take time to thank your Dad or that person that is like a Dad to you in your life...

Love, peace and love you Dad...


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