Day 524...Year 2

Another day of adventure draws to a close... Another day of memories made...

Sometimes the best memories come, when you don't do anything out of the ordinary... I do need to say something to BFF and then Mom...

I'm sorry I looked at my phone so much... I heard your message loud and clear... Time together is more fun when the phone isn't involved...

Mom... I am sorry I am always on the laptop... I will try harder not to be so wrapped up in stupid games and spend more of our evening time together being present not only physically but mentally as well...

I think we all need to take a step back, put the phone on silent and put it away... When you are with Friends and Family, that time is so precious, yet so very often we are too wrapped up on the latest FB news, or the latest Tweet or some game or reward app...  ;) to realize that precious time is being wasted...

I believe we all need to make an effort, NO make the decision, that family time isn't electronic interference time... That we need to put away our cell phones and tablets, our laptops and Ipods and take time to talk and visit with each other... Go for a walk together and chat, or play a game together...

Let's remind ourselves what life was like before we had all of these electronic interruptions... Let's remember what is truly important... Making memories...

Love, peace and remember when...


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