Day 536...Year 2

Why do people feel like it is OK to jump all over you for something you have no control over or blame a group of people for something that they have no control over?  You are probably like, I get it, but not really...

So the past two days I have been involved with issues where myself or my co-workers were blamed for things or attacked for things that we have no control over, but not by park Guest... By fellow Cast Members...

You always think that people from the outside of a company are the worst to deal with, but must of the time it is your co-workers that can be just as bad when something doesn't go the way they see fit...

Yesterday myself and two co-workers were in the office going over a few things together when a Cast Member came barreling in upset that they had picked up a shift at our Park but that he was given wrong information about some things and what were we going to do about it? We were all dumb founded to begin with but even when we tried to assist we were told  by the CM that "That means nothing to me." When they finally left we all felt many things, relief, anger, disbelief... We were just at the wrong place at the wrong time...

However today both myself and fellow COT were ambushed by cast tearing a part training and blaming everything on the training team and us... I think at one point they may have even blamed global warming on the training team... OK, I am exaggerating a little but, it seems like instead of blaming an individual for the choices they make on the job, people feel like it is easier to just blame the person that trained them...

First of all it is one thing if someone does a process wrong because they were trained that process incorrectly, but it is another thing if the person is trying to cut corners because despite their training they pick up the bad habits they see in others and the leadership doesn't step in to correct it...

Second of all... If you have so many comments to make about training then you should think about becoming a trainer to help make the change you want to see in others...

Thirdly... If you have no desire to be a trainer then keep your comments to yourself... Being a trainer is a thankless job a lot of the time... If you don't believe me, then you haven't been reading this blog...

And finally, most of the time those that are tearing a part others have done the same thing themselves but deny that they were ever at fault... It's OK for me to do it, but not for you to...

love, peace and be the change...


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