
Today was a day of laughter... the down side was that if something made me laugh hard enough, the coughing would start.. and the harder I laughed the worse the coughing got... It was almost to the point where I thought I was going to blackout... That's all I need... to laugh so hard that the coughing knocks me out and I wake up on a stretcher in the ER... How would they explain THAT to workman's comp...

No, I was able to calm down and after two puffs on my inhaler and a Halls honey cough drop, I was able to function again... I just can't speak about the jeggings again, until the bronchitis is completely gone...

Sometimes just finding something really inconsequential to laugh at is the best medicine... There have been times lately that I feel like I haven't laughed, like REALLY laughed in a long time and after I do, even if it almost causes me to blackout... I feel so much better...

Find a reason to laugh today... it makes your heart joyful...


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