
We have been working on taking down the Christmas decorations and so I decided to organize them a little more than last year and so I'm not only taking time to find the right spot to place the decorations, I am also remembering Christmas's past...

The one Christmas that stuck in my head was the year my niece and nephew helped me put up the Christmas tree... My nephew was somewhere around 6 years old and my niece was around 13... My nephew had us in stitches with his vivid imagination... He was laying eggs and they were going to hatch... We spent the evening waiting for the "blessed event" and instead of singing Christmas Carols we sang songs from "Thoroughly Modern Millie"...

Not conventional by any means, but it was a special time we spent together... It's the times that make me miss being in Missouri with my family... But then I am reminded that the times they come down here to visit are the new old memories we are making and I cherish everyone...

This Christmas was far from traditional... I spent it with my borrowed family... We had Christmas part 1 on the 23rd, filled with love and laughter and presents, food, wrapping paper fights and many new memories of the youngest nephew's first Christmas, and my first Christmas with my youngest niece... It made my heart smile to see the joy in her face when she opened each gift and how she gave hugs all around thanking everyone... Then celebrating that evening by seeing Christmas Vacation for my first time... It's so funny but I think what made it even funnier is sharing the laughter and jokes with each other...  On Christmas Eve morning we awoke to presents from Santa for the nephews and gift exchanges with the rest of the family... We had a wonderful breakfast and more times to talk and share... and then it was time for BFF and I to head North for one more celebration... I had the opportunity once again to sing at Church, but this time it was for the Christmas Eve Service... I was honored to perform my very favorite Christmas Carol, "O Holy Night"... Following Church Mom, BFF and I headed to Denny's for our annual Christmas Eve dinner... When we were sat it took awhile for our server to come to our table but when we did, I realized it was the same server we had last year... Our dinner was delicious and it was so nice to relive the past few days with my Mom... Then we headed home to exchange our gifts before we all said goodnight...

No, this definitely wasn't a traditional Christmas by any stretch, but since moving here it really hasn't been for many years... But I heard something on the radio that made me realize something... This time of year is when we celebrate the birth of Christ, even though it probably isn't the exact day and it may not even be the right time of year, but this is the time we come together in his honor to spend special times with our family and friends... Some people are able to spend the actual Holiday date together and some celebrate early and some late, but what it comes down to is finding the peace and joy and love in this time of year and carrying it on...

To be honest, when I first moved here it was really hard to realize that my Christmas's weren't ever going to be the same... No Missouri/Illinois Family to celebrate with... To have Queso, Rye Bread Pizzas and White Castles on Christmas Eve and unwrap presents after going to look at Christmas Lights... Then maybe Christmas dinner the next day... No, now maybe we skype or the family passes around the telephone so we get to talk with everyone... It's not the same, but maybe some day we will have the chance to be together for Christmas again...

But for this year, I was happy I was able to see and spend time with my borrowed family, even if the schedule was a little different and spend time with my mom as well...



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