
I love the days when you wake up and you are ready to do anything... You just feel totally inspired!

Well my day didn't really totally start out that way, mini migraine, slept until 9:30 but after the pain was conquered I was totally ready to do some things...

Mom and I went to our regular hot spot for a cup of joe... #Starbucks We just love their frappucinos... Then it was off on a shopping frenzy... Well maybe not a frenzy but it was certainly enjoyable...

I hauled stones and rock today to help Mom with an outside project and boy do I feel pumped... Sometimes it's just nice to get outside and do something active, which I know I need to do more of...

We watched a great movie, "The Hundred Foot Journey," and had breakfast for dinner... We talked with my Oldest Brother and Sister-in-law and watched one of our favorite cooking shows, The Kitchen...

It doesn't seem like much but this was a great day... Yes we did a lot of stuff but we did it together... We laughed and joked and just had a really food time... We didn't worry about the time or if we were being silly we didn't worry about what others thought... We were just being who we are...

So very often we plan our days down to the second... But sometimes we just need to slow down and do something different... To stop worrying about when this is going to get done or when we are going to have time to do that... We just took it as it comes...

Life is too short... Don't let it pass you buy while you are being to busy or in too much of a hurry... Enjoy the little moments...



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